financing company

financing company
финансирующая компания
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компания, занимающаяся финансированием
. . Словарь экономических терминов .

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "financing company" в других словарях:

  • company MAC — USA In the case of an acquisition financing, a material adverse change condition precedent to lending that is virtually identical to the material adverse change clause in the acquisition agreement. It will only pertain to the target company (not… …   Law dictionary

  • financing out — USA A condition precedent contained in acquisition agreements that permits the buyer not to complete the acquisition if it cannot get sufficient financing to fund the acquisition. Financing outs are not seen as often as they were in the past due… …   Law dictionary

  • financing — obtaining money resources. Businesses usually have to obtain finance at some time, either to go into business or expand operations. Glossary of Business Terms * * * financing fi‧nan‧cing [ˈfaɪnænsɪŋ ǁ fˈnænsɪŋ] noun [uncountable] BANKING the… …   Financial and business terms

  • financing — fi|nanc|ing [ faınænsıŋ ] noun uncount the money that you borrow to buy something large, start a business, or keep an organization running: We need to find some new sources of financing for the company …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • financing agency — A bank, finance company or other person who in the ordinary course of business makes advances against goods or documents of title or who by arrangement with either the seller or the buyer intervenes in ordinary course to make or collect payment… …   Black's law dictionary

  • financing agency — A bank, finance company or other person who in the ordinary course of business makes advances against goods or documents of title or who by arrangement with either the seller or the buyer intervenes in ordinary course to make or collect payment… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Premium Financing — involves the lending of funds to a person or company to cover the cost of an insurance premium. Premium finance loans are often provided by third party finance entity known as a Premium Financing Company ; however insurance companies and… …   Wikipedia

  • Accounts Receivable Financing — A type of asset financing arrangement in which a company uses its receivables which is money owed by customers as collateral in a financing agreement. The company receives an amount that is equal to a reduced value of the receivables pledged. The …   Investment dictionary

  • Nevi (company) — Nevi was a Bergen, Norway based financial company. Owned by Vital, it experienced a rapid growth during the 1980s, before nearly going bankrupt and being taken over by Bergen Bank in 1988. The company experienced a boom starting in 1980, when it… …   Wikipedia

  • Bankruptcy Financing — Financing arranged by a company while under the chapter 11 bankruptcy process. Clearly, such financing is extremely high risk and is done at a relatively high interest rate. Sometimes referred to as turnaround financing or debtor in possession… …   Investment dictionary

  • Debtor-In-Possession Financing - DIP Financing — Financing arranged by a company while under the Chapter 11 bankruptcy process. DIP financing is unique from other financing methods in that it usually has priority over existing debt, equity and other claims. Chapter 11 gives the debtor a fresh… …   Investment dictionary

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